The Reading League Science of Reading
The Reading League Science of Reading
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This free webinar is an overview of The Writing Rope model for writing instruction (Sedita, 2019) that represents multiple components of writing as strands in a rope. An explanation with references to research findings will be provided for the five strands: 1) Critical Thinking (generating ideas and information, stages of the writing process), 2) Syntax (syntactic awareness, sentence elaboration, punctuation), 3) Text Structure (narrative, informational, opinion; paragraph structure; patterns of organization, 4) Writing Craft (awareness of task, audience, purpose; word choice; literary devices, 5) Transcription (spelling and handwriting fluency). Related instructional suggestions are included. This webinar will be recorded and posted to the HELP website following the event. No continuing education certificates will be issued.

Hosted by: Higher Education Literacy Partnership and The Reading League Minnesota

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