The Reading League Science of Reading
The Reading League Science of Reading

Forty Years of Reading Intervention Research for Elementary Students with or at Risk for Dyslexia

Dyslexia is one of the most studied cognitive phenomena in educational and psychological research. A group of researchers has recently completed an analysis of more than 50 studies over the past 40 years and will be sharing their results. The findings and presentation will touch on factors like the student characteristics and intervention characteristics (dosage, instructional components, multisensory, group size) that affect outcomes.

Please join us for Dr. Colby Hall and colleagues Karen Kehoe, and Katlynn Dahl-Leonard.


Climbing the Ladder of Reading and Writing with Nancy Young

Using her internationally recognized Ladder of Reading and Writing infographic, Nancy will describe the wide range of ease as children learn to read and write. She will emphasize the need to differentiate instruction and materials to ensure ALL students continue to move forward in their learning every day, no matter where they are in their climb. Nancy Young is an educational consultant providing professional development in the areas of reading and writing instruction. Her specialty areas include differentiated instruction and skill-based movement. Nancy an author and innovator of The Ladder of Reading and Writing.


Structured Literacy: What About Writing?

With all the talk about structured literacy, how and where does writing fit in? What does the research say about writing instruction, and what components are often overlooked? This session will provide an overview of writing research, unpack the crucial elements of early writing instruction, and provide a few writing activities teachers can use with their students.


No Time to Waste: Structured Literacy for Young Adults

Participants will envision an evidence-based structured literacy program through the lens of an adolescent emerging reader. Aspects of leadership are discussed by a pioneering superintendent whose dedication to equity led to the first public high school structured literacy program in her state. Successful instructional approaches designed specifically for older students’ unique social and emotional needs are presented by a special educator. Outcomes and anecdotes are shared throughout the hour, painting a picture of our program’s emphasis on success and dignity. Reflections from adolescents highlight the central role reading plays in building belonging—inspiring educators and administrators to meet the needs of struggling older students with urgency, expertise, compassion, and joy.


Spotlight on Structured Literacy: Comprehension

The International Dyslexia Association Georgia and The Reading League Georgia have partnered to bring you the 2023 Spotlight on Structured Literacy Webinar Series, which includes four live webinars: Jan. 18, Feb. 8, Mar. 1, Mar. 29. The webinars are FREE and OPEN to all.


The Writing Revolution: An Overview of the Hochman Method

In this session, Drs. Vroom and Zoleo provide an overview of the Hochman Method, an explicit set of specific writing strategies that teachers use in every grade and in all subjects, including ELA, social studies, science, world languages, and math. This evidence-based and proven instructional methodology enables students to master the skills that are essential if they are to become competent writers.

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