The Reading League Science of Reading
The Reading League Science of Reading

Granite State K-8 Literacy Summit

Join The Reading League New Hampshire for a full day learning conference.

$325 – $375

Bringing the Science of Reading to Grades 6-12 – Strategies for Success with Colleen Yasenchock

Join The Reading League Maine as they host Bringing the Science of Reading to Grades 6-12 - Strategies for Success with Colleen Yasenchock.  The Reading League has defined the science of reading as a vast, interdisciplinary body of scientifically-based research about reading and issues related to reading and writing. How does the Science of Reading extend into upper grades? What are the instructional implications, and who needs to know about it? This session will explore how the Science of Reading applies to secondary students (grades 6–12), focusing on Tier I (general) instruction and the challenges of engaging with complex texts across content areas. Participants will learn evidence-based strategies to enhance reading comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary development, and walk away with practical recommendations and resources to support literacy in middle and high school classrooms.  Register Now!

Using Assessment Data to Strengthen Tier I Instruction with Karyn Tomkinson

Dr. Tomkinson is a National Literacy Director with extensive experience in leading transformative literacy initiatives grounded in the science of reading. She also serves as an adjunct professor and teaches graduate level reading courses. Karyn completed her doctorate in special education at Ball State University in 2016 with a cognate in educational leadership. Her dissertation on the Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination (IREAD-3) assessment and third-grade retention allowed her to research how children learn to read and identify best practices. Previously, she was the Director of Curriculum for large urban and small rural districts. Karyn has been trained in LETRS Volume I and II, IMSE Comprehensive, IMSE Morphology+, and Structures. She will soon complete Keys to Literacy training as a licensed Indiana teacher. Karyn is attending Mount Saint Joseph University and working toward her Science of Reading certificate and IDA certification. Karyn is dedicated to improving literacy outcomes. A mother of four boys and a lifelong learner, she is passionate about education and continuous growth.

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