Literacy Reimagined Conference
Join The Reading League Alabama for a two day conference, Literacy Reimagined.
Join The Reading League Alabama for a two day conference, Literacy Reimagined.
Join The Reading League Kansas and The Reading League Missouri for Elevating Literacy: Advancing Evidence into Practice. This full day of learning features keynote speaker, Kari Kurto, The Reading League National Science of Reading Project Director. Educators will have access to breakout sessions on relevant literacy topics lead by local literacy advocates!
Join The Reading League D.C. as they host Multilingual Learners in the Classroom - a Community of Practice event with Magdalena Zavalia. This event is sponsored by PAF and The Literacy Architects.
Join The Reading League Pennsylvania for a book study on the Logic of English.
Join The Reading League Washington for session for of their book study, Harnessing the Science of Learning
Join The Reading League Pennsylvania for a book study on the Logic of English.
Join The Reading League Tennessee as they host Dr. Tim Odegard who will present the Struggle to Strength: How Effective MTSS and Academic Support Improve Literacy and Mental Health.
Join The Reading League Tennessee and Dr. Tim Odegard for Struggle to Strength: How Effective MTSS and Academic Support Improve Literacy and Mental Health. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) don’t just affect behavior and emotional well-being—they shape a child’s ability to learn to read. At the same time, struggling to read—without proper intervention and support—becomes a source of chronic stress that reinforces negative mental health outcomes. This session examines the bidirectional relationship between adversity, literacy, and mental health, using a developmental framework that explores how social and educational experiences shape human development. Drawing on findings from epidemiological studies, we will explore how ACEs increase the risk for reading difficulties, how literacy struggles create toxic stress, and how randomized controlled studies demonstrate the protective effects of early, targeted literacy interventions within an MTSS framework. Educators will leave with a deeper appreciation of the critical role that effective instruction and intervention systems play in supporting literacy and promoting mental health. Register Now!
Join The Reading League Virginia, in numerous locations across the state, as they host a watch party for Sentenced.
Join The Reading League Minnesota for this 3 part series on Mastering the Art of Explicit Instruction.
Join The Reading League Pennsylvania for a book study on the Logic of English.
Join The Reading League Maine and The Reading League New Hampshire for Building Language Comprehension through Read Alouds with Dr. Molly Ness.