The Reading League Science of Reading
The Reading League Science of Reading

Strive For Five Conversations Virtual Book Study Kick-off

Join The Reading League Georgia and Reading is Essential for All People (REAP) for a book study on Strive for Five Conversations. This book offers a framework that gets children talking in order to accelerate their language comprehension and literacy skills. Learn about what you can do to enhance the language environment in your classroom and improve the language comprehension skills of your students!

Using the PLUSS Framework as a Blueprint for Instruction for Multilingual Learners

Join The Reading League Washington, D.C. as they host a virtual educator workshop, Using the PLUSS Framework as a Blueprint for Instruction for Multilingual Leaners with Dr. Antonio Fierro. Registrants will receive the Zoom link and links to optional prereading by November 2. Please reach out to with any questions. We look forward to seeing you at the event!

Improving Adolescent Writing: Successfully Support the Writing Process

Join The Reading League Florida and The Reading League Oklahoma as they host Improving Adolescent Writing: Successfully Support the Writing Process. This workshop presents research-based instructional practices for the explicit teaching of writing process strategies. A brief overview of the research will be followed by suggestions for effective prewriting, drafting and revision. In addition, suggestions for motivation and engagement will be addressed. Practical resources and templates will be provided to support existing writing assignments.

Bridging the Gaps: Transforming Secondary Literacy Instruction

Join The Reading League California as they host Bridging the Gaps: Transforming Secondary Literacy Instruction.  This webinar aims to address the critical issue of secondary literacy instruction. It will focus on the importance of training secondary literacy specialists and special education instructors in the science of reading and structured literacy principles. The webinar will highlight how these educational practices, when coupled with age-appropriate materials, can support students struggling with dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities (SLDs) or language development disorders. Register Here.

Teaching Neurodiverse Students: A Case Study Approach

Join TRL-NH to learn more about teaching reading to students with a spectrum of neurocognitive differences. Shawna Benson will present a neurodiverse case and sharing her expertise with us.

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