The Reading League Science of Reading
The Reading League Science of Reading
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TRL-FL and IDA-FL present: The Impact of Stress on Learning, Emotions and Behavior in Kids with Dyslexia, ADHD and other special needs. What do we know; What to DO with Dr. Jerome Schultz. 
Because of their neurocognitive and emotional vulnerabilities, children and adolescents with Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD are particularly at risk for stress-related disorders and reactions. Neuroscience explains the problem and gives us the knowledge we need to turn this situation around. Dr. Schultz will present research, clinical observations, case studies and anecdotal evidence to explain why children and adolescents with LD and/or ADHD (and other special needs) have a lower threshold for stress due to their repeated experiences with failure.

Jerome Schultz, Ph.D. is a Clinical Neuropsychologist on the faculty at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Psychiatry. He received his undergraduate and Master’s degrees from The Ohio State University and holds a Ph.D. from Boston College. He has completed postdoctoral fellowships in both clinical psychology and pediatric neuropsychology. Dr. Schultz currently serves as an international consultant on issues related to the neuropsychology and education of children and young adults with special needs. He is a content expert at and at, where he presents webinars and writes articles, many of which are about stress and anxiety. His book, called Nowhere to Hide: Why Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can Do About It, examines the role of stress in learning, and has served as a practical guide for families and schools across the globe.

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